viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015

Video Uncensored Suicide Ricardo Lopez: Fan Attempted Murder deranged that the singer Bjork

In September 1996, a 21 year resident in Miami of Uruguayan origin, named Ricardo Lopez takes his taste for singer Björk an obsessive degree of fanaticism. This hoping to have some kind of relationship with her and crosses constantly writes letters describing his feelings, as you might expect no response.

Angered by the situation and by the news that Björk begins a relationship with a black man (Goldie) begins to forge a plan to assassinate her. So begins filming himself while building a bomb sulfuric acid to kill or possibly leave completely disfigured.

The bomb was delivered within a book, and in the package, Lopez posing as an executive at Elektra Records offered him a script for a new movie. Thanks to trace Scotland Yard, the shipment was intercepted in post offices in London just before he left to fate.

Lopez left registered the whole process over twenty videos: from the construction of the pump to buy a .38 revolver to kill himself and sending the packet. Horrified by the event, Björk was exiled in Andalusia (Spain), where he recorded the song Broken So, inspired by this incident, and separated from Goldie.

Suicide Video Uncensored (Notice high content of violence)
Video musicalizado Journal

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